Official website of the United States Department of Necromancy, Mutilation, & Bone Rituals
Necromancy, Mutilation, & Bone Rituals


To request a form, please fill out Form X01-J "Request for Form" with the appropriate form number and revision.

IMPORTANT: Before filling out any form, you must file Form R37-7 "Intent to Complete Form" and wait to receive authorization. Be sure to have the form you intend to fill out on hand when authorization is received. Failure to have the correct form on hand may result in a $50 fine.


To file any form with the DNMB, follow this simple procedure.

  1. Place the form you wish to file in a black, consecrated envelope.
    1. If you do not have a consecrated black envelope available, file form F501-0 "Request for Consecrated Envelopes" during any harvest moon.
  2. Seal the envelope with fly paste.
  3. Using a copper dagger, make three incisions in your wrist or the wrist of person authorized by Form C446-4 "Blood Proxy Authorization".
  4. Using the blood from Step 3:
    1. if you are using the SIGNATORY'S blood, inscribe a pentagram on the envelope's OBVERSE.
    2. if you are using a PROXY'S blood, inscribe an INVERTED pentagram on the envelope's REVERSE.
  5. Sleep. You will dream of a ruined city, stalked by sorrowful spectres. One will come to you, and whisper a sequence of three words. You will awake.
  7. Take the envelope to your local circle of standing stones.
  8. Place the envelope in the center of the circle.
  9. Speak the three words spoken to you in your dreams.
    1. If the spectre that spoke to you was REMORSEFUL, speak the words in REVERSE.
    2. If the spectre that spoke to you was PENITENT, speak the words in the ORIGINAL ORDER.
  10. Light a match.
  11. Recite the full names and any aristocratic titles of your last seven ancestors. (For information on who legally constitutes an ancestor in your jurisdiction, consult a family law attorney.)
  12. Set the envelope alight.
  13. A cold wind will rise up. Close your eyes. Do not open them, no matter what you hear.
  14. Turn away. Do not open your eyes until you are 10 yards from the circle of standing stones.
  15. Do not look back.

Failure to follow the above steps correctly may lead to REDACTED

Form Directory

# Name Purpose Supplementary Forms
R37-7 Intent to Complete Form Registers intent and requests authorization to complete a form. None
X01-J Request for Form Requests a specified form from the Department. None
F501-O Request for Consecrated Envelope Requests an ODD number of consecrated filing envelopes. None
F501-B Request for Consecrated Envelope, Revised Requests an EVEN number of consecrated filing envelopes. W33-P
XO1-J Intent to File Form Registers intent and requests authorization to submit a specified form to the Department. None
C446-4 Blood Proxy Authorization Authorizes an individual to use their own blood to submit forms in your name. None
R30-0 Contamination Report Reports a suspected instance of Contamination. None
R30-1 Procedure 7 Request Requests that the Department perform Procedure 7 in the specified region. R30-7
R30-2 Procedure 7 Objection Submits evidence against Contamination and requests that the Department suspend Procedure 7 in the specified region. R30-7, W33-P
S56-3 Termination Exemption Request Requests exemption from summary incineration protocols. Humans only. R30-7
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V21-2 Orb Statement Registers an orb statement for income tax, property tax, and soul tax purposes. None
Y21-9 Blood Tithe Deduction Registers a request for a blood tithe deduction. R30-7
Y49-N Petition for Mercy Registers an official plea for a reprieve from your ceaseless torment. Must be filed in conjunction with the Deptartment of Pain's Form 7683. DOP/7683
P71-8 Prophecy Fulfillment Affidavit Affirms that to the best of your knowledge a prophecy relating to you or a dependent has, for good or for ill, been fulfilled. None
X0I-J Surrender of Rights Registers official surrender of all human rights. None
X1I-J Petition to Strip Rights Petition requesting the Department to strip all human rights from the designated individual. R30-7
H88-3 Affidavit of Penance Affirms that you or a dependent have performed the penance prescribed to you by your local inquisitor. None
H88-2 Penance Appeal Appeals a penance assigned by your local inquisitor. R30-7
R30-7 Statement of Evidence States evidence cited in justification of a request or appeal. None
M40-1 Bone Sorcerer License Application Application for a license to perform authorized bone sorcery. None
K54-1 Request for Lost Paperwork Requests a second copy of a form lost due to your own carelessness. None
K54-2 Request for Lost Form Requests a second copy of a form lost due to factors outside your control. R30-7
K54-3 Request for Replacement Paperwork Requests a third copy of a lost form. X0I-J
K54-4 Request for Replacement Replacement Paperwork Authorizes your immediate and summary incineration by any agent of the Department or authorized law enforcement. None
T72-0 Statement of Falsehood Registers a lie or other falsehood as required by federal law. None
T72-1 Statement of Truth Registers a truth or other accurate depiction of reality as required by federal law. R30-7
E31-4 Hive Registration Registers a hive as required by federal hive reporting requirements. None
Q39-5 Hitler Clone Report Registers a sighting of a live clone of Adolf Hitler. R30-7
Q39-6 Hitler Clone Termination Affidavit Affirms that a Hitler clone has been successfully terminated. R30-7
W33-P Statement of Security Clearance Supplemental form confirming United States security clearance. R30-7
D39-3 Petition to Photograph Eclipse Requests authorization to photograph a specific eclipse. W33-P
N87-6 Forsaken Amendment Violation Reports a violation of your Forsaken Amendment rights and registers an official complaint. R30-7
X00-9 Application for Form Access Application for access to the full listing of forms available to American citizens. X01-JP